
  • エリアを選択




  • 職種を選択



  1. 日本語を使って働きたい人のための求人サイト
  2. 東京 で仕事を探す
  3. Junior Sales - IoT

Junior Sales - IoT

600 〜 800 万円

  • RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社
  • 勤務地: 東京
  • 日本語レベル:流暢に話せるレベル │実務経験:未分類
  • 掲載終了


職種 技術職(販売、設計、開発、生産管理)/販売、メンテナンス
業種 電気、電子、機械/ 総合電機、電気
雇用形態 未分類
ポジションレベル その他
募集人数 1名
希望入社時期 -

英語 (ビジネスレベル)

日本語 (流暢に話せるレベル)

活かせる語学 -
勤務時間 その他
ビザ取得支援 -
外国人従業員 -


Company Overview
Swedish IoT Company

Job Description
Account Sales Manager

This open position is a very important role to accelerate our business expansion.
In this position, you are responsible for managing all sales activities in Japan for the assigned accounts, mainly SMB market.

 Direct sales to both new and existing customers
 Contact with marketing leads coming from seminars, exhibitions and trial version users.
 Image of sales activities resources: Inside sales: F2F sales ratio = 6: 4
 Create sales plans and report results to your sales managers regularly
* SMB customers are small and mid-sized companies. (Home appliances, Industrial FA/ Medical , IoT, Automotive…etc.)

Specifically, your 1st sales actions is reach out to the software developers of existing customers and new prospects (marketing leads) mainly by phone and e-mail to hear a development plan and needs. Based on the needs that you hear, you will show a product introduction and proposal to satisfy customer’s needs, and then close the deal. According to the customer’s needs, you will visit companies, show the demo and negotiate by Face2Face meeting to build the strong relationship with them.
Our products are top-class and top-share products in the embedded development tools both in the global market and (in) Japan, so you can concentrate on your sales activities with confidence.

Required Skills & Experiences
• 3-5 years of experience in B to B sales
• Ability to develop short and long term strategies for the assigned accounts and territory.
• Excellent presentation skills
• Be interested in learning new technologies
• High level of communication skills with every customers (external), team members and your mangers (internal).
• Improve action plans through PDCA cycle with self-task management and problem-solving skills
• Self-Starter. Take initiative and be proactive at work
• Highly motivated for achieving the individual sales target.

*these points are plus, but not mandatory.
• Sales experience in IT, embedded and semiconductor industries
• Sales experience of Inside sales, Renewal sales for SMB markets.
• Sales experience of B to B inside sales / SMB sales / Renewal sales is plus.
Sales experience of software license sales.

Additional Job Information
There are unique characteristics of the company that are not found in both other foreign software companies and domestic companies. If you have such an experience that;
“I worked for a foreign company, but the range of my responsibility was too narrow because of the top-down culture. The company couldn’t accept my drastic challenges.”
“I worked for a traditional domestic company which has a strict seniority system. I was not comfortable with the working place and also wondering about the traditional sales methods.”
there are many opportunities to show your potential and abilities.

1. Maximize your presence. This company is different from other foreign-affiliated companies, it is not a large-scale company with about 200 employees globally. For this reason, each employee is a very important member not only within the Japanese corporation, but also global. Every employee shows high presence. Surprisingly, the headquarters CEO remembers all of the Japanese corporate staff, which has led us to high motivation. In addition, once a year, salespersons have a global sales award at overseas resorts. This is an actual opportunity that you can directly feel your presence.

2. Self-Development leads into company growth:Employees do not exist only for the growth of the company. Based on the idea that each employee's self-growth leads to corporate growth, the company has a corporate culture of supporting individual growth plans. The strength is different from salesperson to salesperson. Although the minimum rules are set, there is a good working environment to demonstrate your abilities and results in your sales style. Each salespersons have different backgrounds of sales experiences, you can learn from them about different sales techniques from yours.

3. Mixed - company culture:Although it is a Japan local office, headquarters in Sweden respects Japanese activities and culture. We are building a company that combines the best of Swedish corporate culture and Japan culture. We are focusing on how to improve work efficiency and finish work faster to avoid unnecessary overtime. Our employees enjoy overseas trips and hobbies by making good vacation plans in summer and New Year holidays. In 2018, the Great Place To Work project is started in Japan office. “Have fun, and High-Performance culture company” is the mission statement. According to that, we prioritize in Energy, Teamwork and Benefit. We are also working to make a smooth communication by cross functional lunch with other team members (once a month) and cerebration dinner when we achieve the target.



日本東京 地図


Junior Sales - IoT


600 〜 800 万円



RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社 Junior Sales - IoT RGFタレントソリューションズ株式会社 Junior Sales - IoT


人材、教育、コンサル、専門サービス /人材紹介、求人広告

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanは、日本最大規模の人材総合サービスカンパニー リクルートの海外展開ブランドにおける人材紹介部門の日本拠点です。日本国内でビジネスを展開する外資系企業並びにグローバル企業様を中心に、幅広いレベルのバイリンガル人材をご紹介しています。リクルートブランドとアジアの主要都市を網羅するRGFのネットワークを活かし、転職を希望される方、クライアント企業様双方にとって最適なサービスをご提供いたします。

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanの事業領域

RGF Professional Recruitment Japanはジュニアレベルからマネジメントレベルを中心に、すべての業種、職種の案件を取り扱っています。また、8,000,000を超える業界屈指の人材データベースから、大手外資系企業、グローバル企業に対して業界トップレベルの人材をご紹介することが可能です。

東京都品川区大崎2-1-1 ThinkPark tower 6階






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