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Đăng tin tuyển dụng

Lĩnh vực hoạt động

Elite Asia is a regional forerunner, helping companies expand their footprint across Asia, through translation/localization, interpreting services and multilingual digital marketing solutions. Since its establishment in 2006, Elite Asia has evolved into a regional powerhouse that helps businesses navigate effortlessly across East Asia and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Singapore with offices in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Japan, we serve multinational companies and regional firms through our innovative services and solutions powered by TECHNOLOGY and PEOPLE with special focus in Legal, Banking & Finance, Life Science, Technology & E- commerce and Government Sectors etc. Visit us at www.eliteasia.co

Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ 6 Shenton Way, #22-08 OUE Downtown 2
URL http://eliteasia.co
Ngày thành lập 2006

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