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Đăng tin tuyển dụng

  1. Tuyển dụng tiếng Nhật ở Trung Quốc
  2. AnyDesk Software (Hong Kong) Limited
AnyDesk Software (Hong Kong) Limitedviews.seo_company_img_alt AnyDesk Software (Hong Kong) Limitedviews.seo_company_img_alt

AnyDesk Software (Hong Kong) Limited

IT, Truyền thông, Internet /Ngành phần mềm

Lĩnh vực hoạt động

At AnyDesk, we believe that distance shouldn’t matter when it comes to connecting people and their ideas with fitting projects.
Since our founding in 2014, we’ve been pursuing that vision and working with passion and expertise to advance our unique remote desktop access software. Our success speaks for itself; over 500 million users have already downloaded our software and over 9 million downloads are added each month.
We are expanding our team in APAC, and are looking for you and your expertise!

Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ Unit 01, 82/F., International Commerce Center, One Austin Road West, Hong Kong
URL http://anydesk.com

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