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Đăng tin tuyển dụng

  1. Tuyển dụng tiếng Nhật ở Trung Quốc
  2. SRGEurope
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Không yêu cầu ngành nghề /Không yêu cầu ngành nghề
IT, Truyền thông, Internet /Tổng hợp, Dịch vụ IT
Tài chính /Bảo hiểm (bảo hiểm nhân thọ, bảo hiểm phi nhân thọ)

Lĩnh vực hoạt động

Specialist recruiters in Gibraltar, Malta, Spain and the UK, with a strong presence in London and Edinburgh. SRGEurope is a trading style and wholly owned subsidiary of Select Consultancy Ltd.

Our approach is simple. We source the best candidates for our clients in the following specialist areas:

Online Gaming
IT, Internet & Mobile
Accounting & Finance
Legal & Compliance
Business Support

We add value to the recruitment process by providing recruitment solutions for permanent, temporary and interim positions across all levels.

Our team comprises of specialists in their own fields, and we provide a tailored service which connects talented candidates with great jobs. Our uncompromising professional approach delivers real success stories.

We partner with a number of Europe’s most respected and renowned Financial Services, Accounting, Banking, Insurance and Online Gaming institutions. We work alongside industry leaders, as well the fastest-growing companies in our sectors to match them with the best and brightest talent.

Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ Gibraltar, 66 Main Street, Suite 2B
URL https://www.srgeurope.com/

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