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Đăng tin tuyển dụng

  1. Tuyển dụng tiếng Nhật ở Trung Quốc
  2. Lionbridge
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IT, Truyền thông, Internet /Dịch vụ truyền thông

Lĩnh vực hoạt động

Lionbridge is one of Forbes 100 Most Trustworthy Companies in America. Our headquarter resides in Massachusetts (USA) and has offices in 26 countries. We deliver translation and localization, digital marketing, global content management, and application testing services to the world’s top brandsLionbridge is one of Forbes 100 Most Trustworthy Companies in America. Our headquarter resides in Massachusetts (USA) and has offices in 26 countries. We deliver translation and localization, digital marketing, global content management, and application testing services to the world’s top brands

Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ 1050 Winter Street, Suite 2300 Waltham, MA 02451
URL https://www.lionbridge.com/
Công ty mẹ Lionbridge

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