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Đăng tin tuyển dụng

  1. Tuyển dụng tiếng Nhật ở Trung Quốc
  2. 绿地千逊酒店管理株式会社
绿地千逊酒店管理株式会社views.seo_company_img_alt 绿地千逊酒店管理株式会社views.seo_company_img_alt


Không yêu cầu ngành nghề /Không yêu cầu ngành nghề

Lĩnh vực hoạt động

Greenland Hotel and Tourism Group (GHTG) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greenland Group, a Global Fortune 500 company. GHTG is a comprehensive enterprise committed to the integrated operation of its hotel, tourism and hospitality business, which includes Meetings, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) activities. GHTG forms a “one core, two wings” developmental model with the hotel business as its core segment and tourism and exhibition as its two-wing engine. Altogether, GHTG is strongly positioned as a globally competitive hotel and tourism company.
GHTG's hotel division is one of the largest property holders and hotel management operators in China. Currently, GHTG has more than 200 hotels in operation and under construction, as well as projects in pipelines across 5 continents, 14 countries and 80 cities, with more than 50,000 rooms of various types and project assets totaling in excess of RMB 80 billion. By 2021, GHTG will exceed 400 managed hotels across the world.

In recent years, GHTG’s hotel business has formed a series of 10 major brands, covering three types of hotels: Urban hotels, Resort hotels and Specialty hotels. Together, the brands serve the needs of various market segments, including business, MICE, leisure and vacation. Since 2016, GHTG has accelerated its asset light progress. Currently, there are 51 export management projects covering 7 countries along “The Belt and Road” economic platform, including Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Guinea.

Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ 日本千葉県
URL http://www.gihg.com
Công ty mẹ THEQUBE Hotel Chiba, Japan
Ngày thành lập 2000/3

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