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  1. Tuyển dụng tiếng Nhật ở Trung Quốc
  2. CLPS Technology Japan 株式会社
CLPS Technology Japan  株式会社views.seo_company_img_alt CLPS Technology Japan  株式会社views.seo_company_img_alt

CLPS Technology Japan 株式会社

IT, Truyền thông, Internet /Tổng hợp, Dịch vụ IT

Lĩnh vực hoạt động

CLPS is a NASDAQ-listed (Nasdaq: CLPS) and global information technology, consulting and solutions service provider focused on delivering services to global institutions in banking, insurance and the financial sectors, both in China and globally.
For more than ten years as an IT, business know-how and talent solutions provider for such clients, CLPS has expanded its service network to clients in the global financial industry, including large financial institutions from the US, Europe, Australia and Hong Kong and their PRC-based IT centers.

CLPS has created and developed a particular market niche by providing turn-key financial solutions as well as supplying its clients’ needs for talent creation and development.

We maintain 18 delivery and R&D centers, of which ten are located in mainland China and eight globally, to serve different customers in various geographic locations. By combining onsite and onshore support and consulting with scalable and high-efficiency offsite and offshore services and processing, we are able to meet client demands in a cost-effective manner while retaining significant operational flexibility.

Khái quát công ty

Địa chỉ 東京都中央区日本橋蛎殻町1-36-3東洋ビル4F
URL http://www.clpsglobal.com
Công ty mẹ CLPS Group
Ngày thành lập 2019/9

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